Tasapisi hakkame harjuma uue elurütmiga, mis
saabus suvepuhkuste lõppemiste ja kooliaja algusega, kellel ootavad veel
aiatööd tegemist, kellel nõuavad uued projektid värskeid jõupingutusi.
Elumuutused tulevad olenemata sellest, kas me
nendeks valmis oleme või mitte. Tihtipeale, kui üritame vanast poolvägisi kinni
hoida, toob elu ise meile muudatused.
Kuidas me reageerime muutustele meie elus?
Oleme me paindlikud ja võimelised eluvooluga kaasa
minema või lööb see meid hoopis pikali?
Mida me tegelikult muutustes pelgame?
Millist toetust, nii välist kui sisetasandil,
me vajame, et vastupidavamalt ja loovalt eluga kaasa minna?
Mida peaksime oma elus hoopis ise muutma?
Mis võiks olla see positiivne õpitund juba
toimunud muutustes?
Gandhi ütles: “Ole ise see muutus, mida sa
maailmas näha tahad!”
The Winds of Change
Autumn leaves
dance in the winds of October. In Estonia, weather is changing, bringing rain
and cold breeze along. Autumn changes are more subtle here in California:
shorter days cast longer shadows and dry air warns of approaching Santa Ana’s.
We have let go
of relaxed attitudes of summer and are slowly getting used to different
schedules of work and school lives in autumn.
Changes come
regardless of our wishes and readiness. Often, when we try to hold onto the
old, life itself brings changes.
How do we
respond to changes in our lives?
Are we flexible
and able to go with the flow or thrown off balance?
What are we
really afraid when changes come?
What could be
supporting us in finding creative approach in the flow of life?
Which changes
should we implement ourselves?
Which positive
lessons could we find in the changes that have already taken place?
good to leave each day behind,
flowing water, free of sadness.
is gone and its tale told.
new seeds are growing”
And wisdom of Gandhi:
the change that you wish to see in the world.”