Spring is in the air - red bellied house finches are singing while building their nests, almond trees are in full bloom and the sycamores have tender new green leaves.
For many of us, this is a sign to take care of our gardens - clean them and prepare the soil for new growth. It is a good time to also tend to our "inner gardens" and while contemplating that, ask these questions:
What has our garden outgrown or what has dried up in our lives and perhaps needs clearing out?
What new things would we like to see growing in the coming seasons?
What kinds of preparations do we need for them?
What inner beauty, unnoticed by us, might we have neglected?
Poet and mystic Kabir said:
Don't go outside your house to see the flowers.
My friend, don't bother with that excursion.
Inside your body there are flowers.
One flower has a thousand petals.
That will do for a place to sit.
Sitting there you will have a glimpse of beauty
Inside the body and out of it,
Before gardens and after gardens.
Translated by Robert Bly.
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