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Piret Veski, Hingevalvurid, 2008 |
Paar päeva tagasi, istudes oma elu lõpusirgel
oleva ema kõrval, mõtisklesin selle üle, mis aitab meil julgust leida. Mis
annab meile jõudu ja julgust ületada oma hirmud ja astuda see viimane samm, mis
viib meid uuele tasandile. Olgu see siis lahkumine töölt, lahkumine suhtest või
siis see viimane ja kõige raskem – lahkumine siit ilmast.
Mis toetab meid, et lasta minna sellel, mille
aeg on täis saanud, aga millest me veel kõvasti kinni hoiame – kas hirmude,
harjumuste või millegi muu tõttu?
Kas on meil usku, et mingid nähtamatud käed
toetavad meid ka siis, kui oma jõud on otsas?
Kas oleme üldse avatud abile?
I wondered about faith few days ago, while sitting
by the bed of my mom who was in her transition process. I was curious what
gives us courage to take this final step into unknown that would carry us onto
new levels of being? I wondered if we have got faith that something would
support us in this leap. What supports us to leave behind that does not serve us anymore - be it "worn out relationship", too comfortable job or home that does not fit us anymore? What prepares our Psyche to leave this lifetime?
Can I trust that those invisible hands would come
and catch me?
Am I open to this kind of support?
Poet and wise man David Whyte says:
so that when you finally step out of the boat, …
we find
everything holds
us, and confirms
our courage, and if you wanted
to drown, you could,
but you don’t,
because finally
after all the struggle
and all these years,
you don’t want to any more,
you’ve simply had enough
of drowning,
and you want to live and you
want to love and you will
walk across any territory
and any darkness,
however fluid and however
dangerous, to take the
one hand you know
belongs in yours.
From The Truelove