
Kuigi meie väline ümbrus muutub, säilitame me tihtipeale oma sisse juurdunud
igapäevarütmi: meie mõtteis keerleb plaanimine ja ajakava ning raske on
eemalduda arvutist ja telefonist.
Mida tähendab tõeline puhkus? Ja kuidas seda seisundit saavutada?
Millised on need tavapärased mõttemallid ja automaatsed käitumismudelid mis
ei lase meil lõdvestuda?
Kuidas leida puhkust isegi siis, kui meil pole võimalik kuskile “ära”
It is time for summer vacations.
Most of us try to get out of our daily surroundings. We go out of town to the
beaches and mountains or travel to far away places.
Yet, even if we get away from our
usual outer environment, we tend to keep our “inner surroundings” the
same. Our minds are busy with planning,
we rush to get from one place to another, we are hooked on our phones and
What does vacation actually mean
to us?
How to take a vacation from our
habitual being, from our ingrained thinking and behavior patterns?
How to find a way to “be on
vacation” even when are cannot leave home?
David Whyte says:
What you can plan
Is too small
For you to live.
What you can live
Will make plans
For the vitality
Hidden in your sleep.
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