Sunday, October 25, 2015

Masks/Maskid. New address:


Halloween oma värvikate kostüümide ja maskidega on jälle tulekul. Sain hiljuti teada, et maskide taha peitusid vanad iirlased oma suve lõpu pühal (Samhain) hoopis selleks, et surnute hinged neid ära ei tunneks ning kaasa ei viiks oma riiki.
Keda me püüame aga petta, kui oma igapäeva elus oma nähtamatuid maske kanname ja kellegi teisena näida püüame?
Kas üritame end paremini sobitada oma pere või suhtlusgrupi normidega?
Kellena me õieti üritame näida?
Milliseid osi iseendas üritame me varjata? Ja mispärast?

Rumi ütles: “Rebi maha oma mask! Su nägu on jumalik”


Halloween with its fun of dressing up is almost here. Old Irish folks wore masks and costumes to cheat the spirits of dead who lurked around during this time of the year when the veil between the worlds of living and dead was thinner.
This invites me to think about those invisible masks that we wear in our daily lives for various different reasons.
Is my mask to fit in or please the others?
Or maybe I try to cheat the critical parts inside myself?
Which are the masks that “pop onto my face” in different situations?
Which parts of myself I try to hide from others?
What does my mask want to tell to the world?

Rumi says: “Tear off the mask! Your face is glorious!”