Saturday, February 2, 2013

Maailm läbi uute silmade / Seeing through new eyes

Marge Nelk
Marge Nelk "Dreams"
Tihti alustame uut aastat pika nimekirjaga sellest, mida tahaksime algaval aastal korda saata või teisiti teha. Enamasti üritame seda aga teha samu käitumismalle kasutades, mis varem edu ei toonud. Skandinaavia jumal Odin rippus üheksa päeva pea alaspidi ilmapuul nimega Yggdrasil, et ruunide teadmist omandada ja oma rahvast seeeläbi aidata. 

Mis aitaks meil oma elu uuest vaatenurgast näha? Mis oleks, kui uue dieedi alustamise asemel püüaksime enda eest paremini hoolt kanda? 
Või jõusaali tüütu programmi asemel oleks mõttes hoopis füüsilise vabaduse ja kerguse saavutamine? Ja kui suudaks neid pereliikmeid, kes meie "nuppe vajutavad", näha läbi uue sõbra innustunud silmade?

We often start a new year with resolutions - lists of things that we would like to accomplish or do differently this year.  And most of the time, we try to do that using exactly the same ways as in the past when we were not particularly successful.
The Norse god Odin hung upside down from the tree of the world, Yggdrasil, for nine days in order to gain knowledge from the runes and help his people. 

What would help us to shift our perspective and see our lives through "the new eyes"?
What if, instead of starting this new diet, we would find ways to nurture and take care of ourselves?
What if, instead of an exercise program, we would find new ways to create greater freedom in our bodies?
What if we could see familiar yet challenging relationships in our lives through the eyes of an exciting new friend?

The American poet T. S. Eliot says:
We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring will be
to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time. 

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