Sunday, May 24, 2015

Mother to Myself / Emaks iseendale

 Emaks iseendale
Linda kivi kandmas/Linda Carrying a Stone, Oskar Kallis 1917

Maikuu tõi emadepäeva koos lillekimpude ja mõtetega meie emadele. Minule oli see meeldetuletuseks mu esimesest emata emadepäevast. Arutlesin sellest, milline ema olen ma iseendale.

Kas on see osa minust hoolitsev ja armastav või kipub sealt ainult kriitikat kostma?
Kas mul üldse on teadlik ühendus selle osaga iseendas?
Kas mu “sisemisel emal” on kannatlikkust mu “sisemise lapsega”, kes vahel ka jonnida tahab? Või on see laps talle ainult koormaks?

Kas leian ma iseendas selle paiga, mida Lydia Koidula kirjeldas “Ema südames”:

Üks paigake siin ilmas on,
kus varjul truudus, arm ja õnn;
kõik, mis nii harv siin ilma peal,

on pelgupaiga leidnud seal.

Mother to myself

The month of May brought another Mother’s Day, filled with the bouquets of flowers and brunches with families. For me, this was the first time without my mom. It was the day to remind me to look for my Inner Mother and explore my relationship with her.

I wondered if this part in me is loving and caring?
Or is she critical and nagging?
Am I burden or joy for her?
Is she able to be patient with the tantrums of my Inner Child?
Do I trust my connection with the Great Mother?
Have I faith in her support for me?

And the Great Mother said:
Come my child and give me all that you are.
I am not afraid of your strength and darkness, of your fear and pain.
Give me your tears. They will be my rushing rivers and roaring oceans…
Give me your rage. It will erupt into my molten volcanoes and rolling thunder.
Give me your tired spirit. I will lay it to rest in my soft meadows.
Give me your hopes and dreams. I will plant a field of sunflowers and arch rainbows in the sky.
You are not too much for me. My arms and heart welcome your true fullness.
There is room in my world for all of you, all that you are…

                 From “Homecoming” by Linda Reuther

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